Homeopathy & Mental Health Care
- Soft cover published 2011
- Paperback, 17x23 cm, 336 pages
- ISBN 978-94-90453-00-8
- Price: €19,95 excl. mailing costs
Book Summary
Foreword by Dana Ullman, MPH
Contributing authors: Hannah Albert, Philip Bailey, Iris Bell & Mary Koithan, Daniel Benor, Seema Bhat, Manish Bhatia, Kate Chatfield & Joy Duxbury, Jane Tara Cicchetti, Jane Ferris, Christopher Johannes, Corina Guethlin & Harald Walach, Peter Morrell, Joseph Rozencwajg, Kenneth Silvestri, Edward Shalts, Traian Stanciulescu, Ian Townsend, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman & Robert Ullman and Harry van der Zee.
"This timely, compelling, and useful book offers a comprehensive look at the integration of homeopathy and mental health care. Twenty-three leading healthcare professionals from around the world unite in a diverse collection of provocative, grounded and visionary, and clinically relevant chapters that offer the student, professional, and non-professional alike a clear and inspiring guide to the healing power and potential of homeopathy in mental health care. At last a phenomenal anthology which should dispel forever the ignorance of those who refuse to accept the fact that homeopathy is effective! The bibliography of excellent studies on homeopathy alone makes this book a must for every health professional. More importantly, it demonstrates what my Professor of Medicine, Dr. Eugene A Stead Jr., called A REAL doctor."
- C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, President Holos Institutes of Health
"The book is remarkable because it places homeopathy within the context of the current mental health system at precisely the point where it is needed. Reading this text makes it clear that homeopathy is an emerging medical science that holds tremendous potential for widespread application in the field of mental health. This work places the topic of homeopathy squarely in the middle of current mainstream medical research and clarifies what an integrative and balanced approach to mental health would look like. I highly recommend this work to my homeopathic, integrative and allopathic medical colleagues."
- Ronald D. Whitmont, MD, New York Medical College
"This excellent book should interest all health care practitioners - even those with no interest in homeopathy. The careful yet pithy description of research into the benefits (and failings) of allopathic treatment of mental disorders provides ample food for thought. The book goes on to outline the general (and impressive) literature on homeopathy in randomized studies. But the heart of this important work lies in the insightful, comprehensive and truly integrative chapters by van der Zee, Johannes, Shalts, Bell, and others. Every article is worthy of study. The balanced approach taken by the authors and editors is reminiscent of the excellent earlier work of Dr. van der Zee - Miasms in Labour. I give this book my highest recommendation."
- Roger Morrison, MD, Hahnemann Medical Clinic