
Homeopathy For Diseases

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Vital Remedies for Epidemics, Trauma & Chronic Diseases
Peter Chappell & Harry van der Zee
Homeopathy For Diseases
  • Published 2012, hard cover, bound, 20x27 cm, 400 pages
  • ISBN/EAN 978-94-90453-07-7
  • Price: €39,95 excl. mailing costs

Book Summary

Homeopathy initially became widely accepted and used because it was supremely successful in treating the epidemic diseases of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. The authors are long-term classical homeopaths who have been working with the modern epidemic diseases, especially those found in Africa. They have taken the normal homeopathic approach to epidemic diseases - genus epidemicus or as-if-one-person - and, using a new approach to making remedies, refined it to one remedy for each disease. This means that, at the level of epidemic diseases, prescriptions will always be accurate as the correct diagnosis indicates the curative remedy. This is a major step forward and makes homeopathy eminently practical in the treatment of serious epidemic diseases.

In several countries the authors have shown that, after a short training, health workers with any level of education can successfully treat Africa's main epidemic diseases. Using a homeopathic kit of remedies costing virtually nothing they can then treat thousands of patients. This treatment is safe, effective, low skill, low tech, knows no therapy resistance and is without side effects. Even in the most remote places, far from any medical facility, the method can be used successfully. Used widely, this could transform health care in Africa.

The authors also realized that the as-if-one-person principle also applies to mass traumas that commonly occur in Africa and other continents, such as genocide, rape, war, accidents and natural catastrophes. People respond similarly to profound and overwhelming traumas, the effects of which can last for decades and generations, yet these can be resolved rapidly and deeply using trauma remedies specific to the cause. In thousands of cases in Africa and Haiti this genus traumaticus approach proved to be highly effective, and it also has important uses in the Western world. The last century saw some of the greatest natural and man-made traumatic events in the history of the human race: such traumas are our inheritance. It becomes ever clearer that many current diseases and dysfunctions originate in these traumas.

In line with the observations of the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, epidemic diseases become one of the major founding forces of chronic diseases. The modem field of epigenetics explains how this works.Realizing this, the authors applied the genus epidemicus principle to chronic diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy: this book documents the results for a wide range of chronic diseases. Case studies from around the world demonstrate that disease-specific remedies, ideally combined with individualized prescribing, can greatly improve the results in treating chronic diseases.

The theory and practice explained in this book combine the advantages of homeopathy (safe, no side-effects, low cost, no therapy resistance) with those of allopathy (diagnosis) and thus bridge the gap between the current western medical paradigm and the homeopathic paradigm.

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